Hey Team and Soccer Families,

It’s Coach Mick again with some helpful tips for our young players. While team practices and games are essential, practicing at home during the Summer break can help improve skills and keep fitness levels high. Here are five easy drills that our players can do at home.

1. Ball Control Drills

Drill: Set up cones or markers in a straight line with about a yard between each. Dribble the ball in and out of the cones, focusing on keeping the ball close to your feet.

Benefits: This drill will help improve ball control, dribbling, and agility.

2. Wall Pass Drills

Drill: Find a solid wall and kick the ball against it, then control the return and pass it back. Try different types of passes, such as inside foot, outside foot, and laces.

Benefits: This exercise helps improve passing accuracy and ball control.

3. Shooting Drills

Drill: Set up a target (like a small goal or a marked area on a wall) and practice shooting. Vary the distance and angles to challenge yourself.

Benefits: This drill will improve shooting accuracy and power.

4. Juggling Drills

Drill: Try to keep the ball in the air using your feet, thighs, chest, and head. Start with one touch juggling (bounce between each touch) before moving to keepy-uppies (no bounce).

Benefits: Juggling enhances ball control, touch, and coordination.

5. Fitness Drills

Drill: Incorporate exercises like skipping, jogging, and high knees into your routine. Also, add in bodyweight exercises like squats, lunges, and planks for strength.

Benefits: Staying fit and strong can improve your game performance and reduce the risk of injury.

Remember, consistent practice is the key. It doesn’t have to be long; even 15-30 minutes a day can make a big difference.

Keep practicing, keep improving!

See you on the pitch,

Coach Mick