Hello Team and Soccer Families,

It’s Coach Mick checking in with some defensive tips. Sometimes, despite our best efforts in maintaining a solid team defense, you may find yourself facing an attacker one-on-one. It might sound daunting, but with the right technique, you can come out on top. Here are some key points to remember when defending one-on-one.

1. Patience is Key:

The first thing to remember when defending one-on-one is to stay patient. Don’t dive in recklessly for the ball; instead, wait for the attacker to make a move. More often than not, they’ll give you an opportunity to win the ball.

2. Control Your Approach:

As you approach the attacker, slow down and get low with your knees bent and your body sideways. This stance provides you with stability and agility to quickly change direction if needed.

3. Force Them One Way:

Try to force the attacker onto their weaker foot or towards a less threatening area of the pitch. You do this by positioning yourself slightly to one side, making it more difficult for them to go the other way.

4. Watch the Ball:

Keep your eyes on the ball rather than the attacker’s feet or body. This will help you react faster to their movements.

5. Timing is Everything:

Wait for the right moment to make your move. This could be when the attacker takes a heavy touch, looks down at the ball, or otherwise seems off-balance.

6. Use Your Body:

In one-on-one situations, it’s crucial to use your body to your advantage. Shield the path to the goal and use your strength to hold off the attacker.

Drills to Practice:

  1. One-on-One Battles: This simple drill pits a defender against an attacker in a small grid. The attacker tries to dribble past the defender and score, while the defender’s job is to win the ball or force the attacker out of bounds.
  2. Shadow Defending: This drill involves the defender mirroring the attacker’s movements without trying to win the ball, focusing on proper positioning and reaction speed.

Remember, team, confidence is vital in one-on-one situations. Trust your abilities, stay patient, and the rest will fall into place. We’ll continue to work on these techniques in our training sessions.

Keep practicing, stay resilient, and let’s make our defense an impenetrable fortress. See you on the pitch!

Coach Mick