Hello Team and Soccer Families,

Coach Mick here with another exciting drill breakdown. Ever wondered why we practice the “Dribble Through The Square” drill? Well, today we’re going to dive into what it’s all about and how it benefits our players.

Understanding the “Dribble Through The Square” Drill:

This drill involves setting up a large square with cones, typically about 20×20 yards depending on the age and skill level of the players. Each player has a ball and begins on the outside of the square. The aim of the drill is for players to dribble their ball through the square to the opposite side, navigating their way past other players without losing control of the ball.

The Benefits:

  1. Improved Ball Control: The drill helps players enhance their dribbling skills, improving their close control and touch. It requires them to adjust their speed and change directions while maintaining control of the ball.
  2. Better Spatial Awareness: As players navigate through the square, they need to be aware of their surroundings to avoid collisions and keep their ball from being intercepted. This helps to develop their spatial awareness and peripheral vision, skills that are vital on the soccer field.
  3. Decision Making: Players have to make quick decisions about when to speed up, when to slow down, and which path to take through the square. This sharpens their decision-making skills under pressure.
  4. Agility and Speed: The quick changes of direction and speed in this drill are great for improving agility, acceleration, and speed with the ball.
  5. Confidence on the Ball: The more a player practices dribbling in a pressured environment, the more comfortable and confident they become with the ball at their feet. This is a huge benefit when it comes to match situations.

So, when we’re running the “Dribble Through The Square” drill in training, remember that it’s not just about getting from one side to the other. It’s about developing your control, improving your awareness, making quick decisions, and becoming more confident with the ball at your feet.

Keep practicing, keep improving, and as always, keep having fun. See you on the pitch!

Coach Mick