Hey Team and Soccer Families,

It’s Coach Mick back with you. Today, we’re talking about a special group of players on the soccer field – the goalkeepers. Being a goalkeeper requires a unique set of skills and a lot of courage. Here are some basic tips and techniques that can help our aspiring goalies.


Positioning is crucial for a goalkeeper. They should always be aware of their positioning relative to the goal, the ball, and the opponents. Being in the right place at the right time can often make the difference between a save and a goal.

Catching and Handling

Catching is a goalkeeper’s primary tool. The ‘W’ grip, where the thumbs form a ‘W’ behind the ball, is a basic and important technique for catching balls that come at chest or head height. For low balls, ‘scoop’ them up using both hands like a shovel.


Diving can be scary for new goalkeepers, but it’s a key skill. Practice diving onto soft surfaces like grass or mats, leading with the hands and landing safely on the side.

Kicking and Throwing

Goalkeepers start a lot of plays. This can be done by throwing the ball to a teammate or by kicking it down the field. Practice both techniques to improve accuracy and distance.


Goalkeepers have a unique view of the field and should use it to their advantage. Communicate with teammates, letting them know about potential threats and directing the defense.

Remember, being a goalkeeper isn’t just about stopping shots; it’s about organizing the defense and starting attacks. It takes a brave player to step into goal, but it’s a crucial role on the team.

Keep practicing, keep learning, and remember to always have fun on the field.

Catch you on the pitch,

Coach Mick