Hello Team and Soccer Families,

Coach Mick here. In today’s playbook session, we’re going to tackle the language of the soccer field, mastering common in-game communication terms.

Common In-game Communication Terms:

On the field, we need a shared language to understand each other, coordinate our moves, and react quickly to changing situations. Here are a few common terms that can help us do just that:

  1. “Man On!”: When a teammate has an opposition player approaching them, you shout “Man On!” to let them know they’re under pressure.
  2. “Time!”: If a teammate has more time than they think, shout “Time!” to let them know they can relax and make a considered decision.
  3. “Turn!”: If a teammate receives the ball with their back to goal and has the space to turn towards it, you can shout “Turn!”.
  4. “Switch!”: If you see a chance to change the point of attack from one side of the field to the other, use the term “Switch!”.
  5. “Back!” or “Drop!”: If a teammate needs to retreat to defend or to open up a passing lane, use the phrases “Back!” or “Drop!”.

Remember, these phrases are tools to help us communicate effectively on the field. The better we understand and use these terms, the more effective we will be as a team.

Communication is key in soccer, just like in any other team sport. So let’s keep talking, keep practicing, and make every word count. See you on the pitch!

Coach Mick