Hey Team and Soccer Families,

Coach Mick here, and today we’re going to tackle an exciting topic – soccer tournaments. Tournaments are a highlight of the soccer season, but they can also be overwhelming for players and parents alike. Here’s a guide to help you navigate your next tournament with ease.

Preparing for the Tournament

1. Understand the Schedule: Know when and where your games are. Consider travel time, traffic, and parking when planning your arrival.

2. Pack Wisely: Don’t forget essentials like uniforms, shin guards, cleats, water bottles, and healthy snacks. Consider packing a first aid kit, extra clothes, sunscreen, and a chair for comfort.

3. Rest Up: Ensure players get a good night’s sleep before the tournament. A well-rested player performs better and enjoys the game more.

During the Tournament

1. Nutrition and Hydration: Keep players well-fed and hydrated. Pack healthy, energy-boosting snacks like fruit, nuts, and granola bars.

2. Warm-Up and Cool-Down: Always make time for a proper warm-up before games and a cool-down afterwards to reduce the risk of injury.

3. Support the Team: Cheering on teammates fosters a positive, supportive environment and can boost the team’s performance.


1. Reflect on the Experience: Discuss the highs and lows of the tournament with your player. What did they enjoy? What did they learn?

2. Celebrate the Effort: Regardless of the outcome, always celebrate the effort and commitment shown by the players.

3. Rest and Recover: After a busy tournament, players will need time to rest and recover. Encourage them to relax and get plenty of sleep.

Remember, while we all love to win, tournaments are about more than the final score. They’re about teamwork, development, and most importantly, having fun.

Enjoy the tournament experience, and as always, play hard and play fair.

See you on the pitch,

Coach Mick