Hey Team and Soccer Families,

Coach Mick here again, today we’re going to delve into the world of defending, specifically mastering the one-on-one situation. A defender’s ability to handle 1v1 situations can be the difference between preventing a goal and watching the ball hit the back of the net. Here are some tips to help our players win those vital 1v1 battles.

Patience is Key

In a 1v1 scenario, it’s crucial for defenders to remain patient. Don’t dive in; instead, stay on your feet and wait for the attacker to make the first move. The aim is to force the attacker into a mistake or into a less dangerous area of the pitch.


Position yourself goal-side and slightly sideways (giving you the ability to move in any direction). Keep your eyes on the ball, not the player’s feet, and always stay between the ball and the goal.

Body Shape

Your body shape is key in 1v1 situations. Keep a low centre of gravity and be ready to change direction quickly. Stay balanced, with your knees slightly bent and your weight on the balls of your feet.


Timing is everything when it comes to tackling. Launch your attempt when the attacker takes a heavier touch, or when they look down at the ball. Timing your tackle wrong could result in a free kick, penalty, or worse.


Communication is key to good defending. Make sure to talk to your fellow defenders to ensure they’re aware of any imminent threats. You should also communicate with your goalkeeper who has a better view of the overall scenario.

Defending can sometimes feel less glamorous than scoring goals, but remember, the saying goes “offense wins games, defense wins championships.”

Keep practicing, stay patient, and you’ll master the art of 1v1 defending.

See you on the pitch,

Coach Mick